be part of the movement
This is a global movement and we ask all Catholics and faith leaders to consider how they might work to move the church closer to recognizing and valuing the gifts and ministries of women.
You are invited to use the form below to share your support for the Catholic Women Strike campaign as an organization, community, parish, or faith leader.
Our Partners
Be The Change Aotearoa (NZ)
We, as a group, see ourselves as people who in a safe, supportive, nourishing, hope-filled space are journeying towards a radical, new, inclusive model of Catholic Church that reflects our faithfulness to the Gospel message and God’s wondrous wholeness.
Benincasa Community
Benincasa Community is a lay community named for Catherine (Benincasa) di Siena, the peacemaker, mystic, theologian, and reformer. Dedicated to the works of mercy and justice in an era thirsting for humanity's collective recognition of unity and interdependence within all of creation, members of Benincasa are grounded by faith, an emerging understanding of the new cosmology, the development of new economic models in our world, and the need for deepening relationships with the land and one another.
Catholic Women's Council
Founded in 2019, the Catholic Women’s Council (CWC) is a global network working to advance the dignity and equality of women in the Roman Catholic Church.
Catholic Women's Ordination (CWO)
CWO began in March 1993 as a national (UK) group of women and men who work to to examine, challenge and develop the current understanding of priesthood. We aim to achieve the ordination of women to a renewed priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church.
Catholic Church Reform International
Catholic Church Reform International is a global network of committed Catholic organizations and individuals seeking a deeply-rooted reform of our Church through online interaction and collaboration.
Cristianə a chi?
Le Comité de la Jupe
Le Comité de la Jupe est une association 1901 dont l’objet principal est de promouvoir, conformément au message de l’Évangile, l’égalité des femmes et des hommes au sein des religions, particulièrement dans l’Église catholique.
Siamo donne credenti cristiane, apparteniamo ad associazioni, gruppi e realtà di differente sensibilità e storia, ma ci siamo incontrate perché spinte dal comune desiderio di rispondere alla nostra vocazione battesimale.
DignityUSA works for justice, equality and full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ Catholics in our Church and society.
FutureChurch seeks changes that will provide all Roman Catholics the opportunity to participate fully in Church life, ministry, and governance.
Maria 2.0
Maria 2.0 is a German initiative by women committed to change in the Catholic Church.
The Parish Church of St. Jerome
The Parish Church of St. Jerome is an independent, inclusive, and egalitarian sacramental community rooted in the Old Catholic tradition. Established in Tulsa, OK in 1995, it is a place that offers the Church's Sacraments to all, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic, or marital status. -
Southeastern Pennsylvania Women's Ordination Conference
As a regional member of the Women's Ordination Conference we agree with the key goals:
As women and men rooted in faith, we call for justice, equality and full partnership in ministry. We are committed to Church renewal and to the transformation of a structure which uses gender rather than gifts as its criterion for ministry.
We are Church International
The international movement We are Church, founded in Rome in 1996, is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church on the basis of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.
WHIMM (Washington Home Inclusive Monthly Mass)
A Roman Catholic movement begun in February 2019 to help renew the Church by experiencing a new model of ordained ministry.
Women's Alliance for Theology Ethics and Ritual (WATER)
The Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) is a non-profit educational center and public charity committed to theological, ethical, and ritual development by and for women. Founded in 1983, WATER’s calling has always been to use feminist religious values to create social change, adapting to the needs of the day.
The Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research
The Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research is a non-profit think tank dedicated to maximizing the potential of the Roman Catholic Church to contribute to human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We welcome your support
While "striking" may mean different things for different communities, your solidarity means you and/or your community believe in our aims and are challenging the status quo through brave conversations, visible signs of support for the strike, withholding labor or financial support, or other creative acts of resistance, prayer, or witness.
You are invited to use the form below to share your support for the Catholic Women Strike campaign as an organization, community, parish, or faith leader.